Thursday, February 2, 2017

Local Brews

One thing that has truly amazed me about Oklahoma City, is the amount of local coffee shops.  I am a person who very much appreciates a good cup of coffee.  As I'm sure you could imagine, I absolutely love this fact!

I have two friends named Jacob and Danielle, who have dedicated themselves to educating me on all of the local brews.  We often meet up at various coffee shops around town.  The first time I go to a new coffee shop, I tend to be a tad hesitant with my order.  I usual get something that is very basic, an unlikely for a barista to mess up.  An example of this would be some sort of Mocha, or a caramel latte.  Yeah, I'm not that cool when it comes to my coffee selections. However, with friends that are particularly coffee cultured, I've found my taste buds are either becoming more sophisticated, or I am becoming more adventurous.  That is most definitely up for debate.

Taste bud maturity is definitely a good thing.  As long as the sweets portion always remains the same.  I absolutely love a good pastry.  I recently had the most life changing lemon bar.  I mean, it was absolutely phenomenal.  The zest of lemon and the texture of the crust, coupled with the dainty sprinkling of powdered sugar makes for one very happy tummy.


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